Friday, December 18, 2009


I was rereading through and realized that I did not post anything about finishing my finals. Just in case anyone reading this is curious (namely me a year from now) I did pretty well this semester. I was anxious as this was my first time as a full time student without a job in years, but I think I am actually going to make the Dean's List again this year. Go me!

Winter Cleaning

I have been working the last several days on cleaning up files. I have lots of files stored all over my several computers. I am consolidating all of my files to my laptop and have begun setting up daily, weekly and monthly backup scripts to back them up to the server.

The reason that I am doing all of this is that I am going to be commuting to school in Harrisburg (an hour and a half away) and I don't want to get their only to realize that the file I need is back at home.

I am considering also setting up a remote ftp to my server so that I can access any backups that I need, but I am not sure yet what program is the best to use.

In other news I have started to use a program called Chore Wars that lets you turn household chores into a game. I thought it would be neat to work it out so that when I have kids that are old enough to have their own responsibilities around the house, we can make it into something fun.

Up until now this has been a private blog that I kept as a personal journal. It has not exactly been completely private as anyone who searches for me can find it, but I have not been advertising it to anyone. I think I might start. And as I am working to build a web based business this means I will have to go through and make sure there is nothing that might turn off perspective customers.

I think that very few people today think about there web presence, and I think people really should. The first thing that I would do as a perspective employer or customer is search the web to see if I can find anything out about the interviewee. In the past this was almost stalkerish, but now it has become standard practice.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chrismas Time

Christmas shopping is finally done! Now I just need to finishing wrapping presents. Our outside and inside lights are up and look great.

I was having a real anxious night the other night because I was feeling like we were not getting anything done, but I finally got all the Christmas cards ready to mail and we finished decorating. I really wish that I didn't get so anxious over something that is supposed to be a fun holiday, but I don't think that I am alone in that.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Tonight I spent a lot of time doing a couple of different things.

I spent about three hours working on a Christmas Present for Kate.

I also spent about three hours perfecting a draft of an image that I am working on as a logo for Mohler Web Design, a company that I would like to start.

What did I not spend three hours on? My finals.

Procrastination for the win!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Finals Week Drives Me Crazy

I have managed to get my schedule figured out for the rest of my collegiate career. Two more semesters after this one and I will have my degree...finally. I do have to finish finals first, and I will be driving to Harrisburg twice a week for the next year, but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


So Kate is taking a new shift at work starting December 20. She will be working 11AM to 11PM.

HOORAY! This means that we can live a sort of normal life and actually see the sun from time to time.

This has come at a great time as well, as I am embarking on getting myself set up to do web design work on the side. I have recently come across a few opportunities for this and am hoping to turn them into something profitable until I finally finish school. And who knows, I may even be able to turn it into a successful business and not have to work for THE MAN anymore. :-)

It seems very nice to be excited and happy about the future. We have had our share of setbacks, and it is nice to be moving forward again, instead of being stuck in the mud.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Let's Try This Again

Another year gone by. Again.

It seems like this is going to be an annual blog post, rather than a daily one.

Everything has gone ok in the last year. Kate did in fact take the traveling assignment, we got ourselves ready to travel all the way to Seattle, and then ended up on moving an hour and a half to Bethlehem, PA. (The job market for nursing is rich with possibilities, but horribly unstable).

Well we liked it so much here in Bethlehem that we stayed. Kate took a full time job at the hospital and I have been plugging away trying to finish my degree.

Here's hoping that things continue to go our way!