Monday, October 11, 2010


I have been spending a lot of time reflecting on my path. I have been worried that I have been effected by the recent events of my life. Which is obviously true, as this is always the case. But I have been concerned that it is changing me into a different person than I was before. I have also been concerned that this new person is not someone I like. But I have come to a resolution. The decisions I made, though difficult were the right ones. And regretting those decisions makes it impossible to move forward.

I could not move forward on a path with Kate because I could not see a path that was not destructive. Not just to me, but to us both. I see the path before me now, but the regrets I feel about the way that things happened make me wish there was a different one to follow.

The plain and simple truth is thst the path that I am on now is the right one and there is only one decision to be made. Following it and not allowing my regrets to stop me, or giving up. I am not ready to give up, as I have only begun the fight. So I will do my best to move forward regret free, and live my life.

The hardest thing to face is not that I do not like who I am becoming but that I do not like who I was.
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